« Painter8バグ報告)ブラシ設定と右クリック | トップページ | #1396 Black-headed Gull / ユリカモメ(望遠写真) »


Painter8 Bug) Brush Setting by Right Click

It is Bug report and avoidance of Painter 8.

Not Save Brush Setting when Change Variant by Right Click
(Mac: Control + Click)

On Mac G4 Cube OS X 10.3.2
(I check only on Mac OS X,
but kaburaya et al. check on Windows, and get same result.)

0. Layout Windows to real time check file and time stamp of
'Corel Painter 8/Brushes/Painter Brushes/Chalk/c_xxx.xml'
By Finder or explorer.
1. Select Brush Tool
2. Restore All Default Variants (for ease)
3. Select 'Chalk: Tapered Artist Chalk 10' by Brush Selector
4. Change Opacity 100 => 50 %
5. Select 'Chalk: Tapered Artist Chalk 20' by Right Click menu
(5a. Check c_xxx.xml files)
6. Select 'Chalk: Tapered Artist Chalk 10' by Brush Selector
(6a. Check Opacity (Property Bar).)

5'. Select 'Chalk: Tapered Artist Chalk 20' by Brush Selector

On 5a:
Painter 8 does not make 'c_Tapered Artist Chalk 10.xml'
(or does not modify 'c_Tapered Artist Chalk 10.xml', if it is exist).
On 6a:
Opacity is 100% (does not save change on 4)

If you Change Variant by Brush Selector (5'),
Painter 8 makes 'c_Tapered Artist Chalk 10.xml'
(or modify 'c_Tapered Artist Chalk 10.xml', if it is exist).

- Painter 8J (8.0) is not OK.
- Painter 7 is OK.

It is only 'Right Click',
Change Variant by Brush Selector,
if you change setting that you need to save.

Thank you.
dddo from Japan...

Atelier dddo>Painter Collection >Painter 8 E/J Review > Painter8 Bug) Brush Setting by Right Click


« Painter8バグ報告)ブラシ設定と右クリック | トップページ | #1396 Black-headed Gull / ユリカモメ(望遠写真) »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: Painter8 Bug) Brush Setting by Right Click:

» Painter8バグ報告)ブラシ設定と右クリック [Lab:dddo/実験室どどど]
[English] Painter8のバグの報告と対策(?)〜〜(^^; タイトル: 右クリックでバリアントを変更するとブラシ設定の変更が保存されない。 (Ma... [続きを読む]

受信: 2004.01.17 21:46

« Painter8バグ報告)ブラシ設定と右クリック | トップページ | #1396 Black-headed Gull / ユリカモメ(望遠写真) »