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Info)Scanning way to use Wide Latitude of Color Negative Film

(English/Japanese) Back to Color Negative Film to use wide latitude, avoid White and Brack saturation.

Present Flatbed Scanner can get RGB 16 bit (48 bit color), better than Digital Camera RAW (12 bit RGB). Knack in doing it, invert image with base film color.

General drivers for Flatbed Scanner may be fixed some base color of film. And, basic scan function use white and black saturation for easy white balance and high contrast image.

From here, explanation of my Flatbed Scanner: Canon CanoScan 5200F. I hope this useful for your Scanner.

"Extend mode", "Positive Film", Color mode: "Color (48 bit)", "2400 dpi", Output: "Free Size", Auto color adjustment off, Outline emphasize off, Anti-fadeing off, Control manual expose for avoid red saturation (in this case 65%).

RGB histogram:
Red histogram has margin both side. Control manual expose for this margin. For reference, histogram of driver preview is:
RGB 16 bit scan data keep 14 to 15 bit gradation for Blue (biggest correction).

Invert and correct color:
A glance at the image shows quiet. But it keep delicate graduation, see RGB histograms:

How to correction colors: By Photoshop 7: "menu > image > color corections > color adjustment...", both side of triangle just under histogram move to end of area of distribution. Or, click "option" button, "- enhance contrast of each channel", Clipping of shadow and highlight change to 0 %, go back and click "Auto level adjustment" button.

Level adjustment and trimming for view chandelier glass:
(Need manual production for avoid to peel off most bright patrs??)

Level adjustment and trimming for view chandelier base:

For example, some general scan way...
EX. 1: "Basic mode", "Negative film", Output: 300 dpi, Output size: Free size.

Maybe, it is common sense failed photo by under expose, isn't it?

EX. 2: "Extend mode", "Negative Film", Color mode: "Color (48 bit)", "2400 dpi", Output: "Free Size", Auto color adjustment off, Outline emphasize off, Anti-fadeing off.


Both side of each channels saturate (lose gradation there).


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